The other day my wife asked me this question she came across in a parenting book: “How do you want your kids to describe you?” Any guesses how I answered this question? The world’s greatest dad? Super funny and cool? The best looking old fogey dad I could be since I’m the age of a lot kids my … [Read more...]
Rev. Chad David,, learning to love dumb people (like me)
The Importance of Being Direct - and having trust In the last few lessons I’ve mentioned how I’ve been trying to be more direct in how I communicate. For most of my adult life I’d say I was more of the “just take it” kind of person, which is essentially recognizing something is wrong, but … [Read more...]
What Trust Looks Like (Why Do Women Need Compliments? Pt4)
Last week I mentioned that my wife and I are in a particularly good spot with each other (that might sound like bragging... because it is). If we looked at a scale of 0 to 10 with 10 being the most trust and safety you can feel with someone (i.e. you can say something a little off, but it’s … [Read more...]
Why Do Women Need Compliments? Pt3
Last week I shared a conversation where my wife told me that as a woman she wanted more compliments than I want because she feels like I critique her. Something interesting happened after our conversation... I realized she was right – shocking, I know. I still think her examples as described in … [Read more...]
Why Do Women Need Compliments? Pt2
Please Note: The following lesson is based on a amicable conversation (even though it might not appear that way). It’s a good reminder that when you’re in a good spot and the trust is high you can have a sensitive conversation like this and it remain civil as both sides try to understand the other … [Read more...]
Nice-oholic Pt 23: Why Do Women Need Compliments?
In a previous lesson we looked at potential reasons why married men don’t compliment their wives (written as a husband guilty for this). The question remains, however, why do married women need compliments? I don’t. Most married men I meet don’t. From my experience, married women care more about … [Read more...]
Being Married to a Nice-oholic
If you were to ask me, “What is the biggest challenge you have with your wife?” (you know a question, no one asks in a normal conversation), I would say it’s her being a nice-oholic (can you guess what inspired this series?) You’re probably thinking, “If that’s the problem, that must be nice,” … [Read more...]
The two types of Nice-oholics in Action
Both my wife and I come from families who are prone to be nice-oholics, but they look very different. My wife’s side is very ADD based while mine is very Mary Poppins. What does that mean? Two very different experiences. For instance, my family is very good at looking at a clock, reading a clock, … [Read more...]
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