The worst thing about being a nice-oholic is, by default, you end up being mean to someone else and that someone is normally yourself and possibly the people closest to you (aka the people with whom you live). When you’re overly nice, there’s always a penalty to pay. Sometimes there’s meanness … [Read more...]
Nice-o-holic: The downside of thoughtfulness Pt1
Being thoughtful is often a very big part of being nice, but it’s not a prerequisite, which is a good thing for me. Thoughtfulness is not my strength... at least compared to my wife. Here’s a demonstration of a major difference between my wife and I (and between most women and men): Me: I’m … [Read more...]
Some Days We Just Have Low Patience
The other day my wife and I took the kids to Costco to get a few things (a few things that always cost a shockingly high amount because of how quickly they add up when you buy bulk). Getting out the door with a one and three year old can be a challenge, but it was a pretty average experience that … [Read more...]
Being Nice can Suck
“Nice guys finish last” is a classic line that can be translated to “Boring guys aren’t sexy.” This is not what I’m referring to when I say, “Being nice can suck.” I’m also not talking about how a lot of people confuse being nice with being a pushover. I’m a firm believer on being nice to a point … [Read more...]